【同义词辨析】 2019-11-04 概述compendium-precis

compendium: gathers together and presents in concise or outline form all the essential facts or details of a subject: a ~ of computer technology.    concise简要suggests the removal of whatever is superfluous or elaborative删除多余的详细的,如a concise study of the situation简要研究形势,如a concise dictionary/encyclopedia简明词典/百科全书)

syllabus: gives the material necessary for a comprehensive view of a whole subject often in the form of a series of heads or propositions: a ~ for a college history course.          容易和curriculum混淆,curriculum表示全部课程all the subjects,而syllabus是某一课程的大纲         heads标题propositions提议

digest: presents material gathered from many sources and arranged for ready and convenient accessibility: a ~ of world opinion on the Central American question.   reader's digest读者文摘

survey: is a brief but comprehensive treatment presented often as a preliminary to further study or discussion: a ~ of current trends in higher education.   (survey有3个意思 1、(通过提问,问卷等)调查to gather information by asking questions,等于poll, 如a survey of public opinion民意调查 2、测量检查土地、建筑等to measure and examine a land, house, etc. 3、总体研究全面评述a general study, view or description of something,如a comprehensive survey of modern music现代音乐纵览,如本例对当前高等教育发展趋势的综述)

sketch: is a slight and tentative treatment subject to later change and amplification: a ~ of the proposal.   tentative尝试性的,实验性的     还表示速写素描a quick, rough drawing,如a sketch of a house房子速写,sit outside and sketch坐在外边速写

precis: is a concise statement of essential facts or points, often in the style or tone of the original: a ~ of a lengthy article.      如a precis of the book's plot小说情节概述,如本例长文的概述(大意),synopsis和precis完全同义,能用precis的地方也可同synopsis。他们和summary的区别是篇幅比summary长很多

compendium(学科)概要: 对某学科主要知识点及其细节的简要概述,syllabus提纲大纲: 用标题列出某课程学习内容,digest文摘: 将出处不同的文章摘录浓缩,为了快速方便阅读,survey纵览综述: 指简短全面的概述,作为后续研究基础,sketch梗概速写: 指粗略概述,需要修改扩充,precis大意概述: 是对他人文章或作品的概述(而非自己的)

记忆方法: 1)首字母CSDSSP排序成PSCSDS平时尝试的事<==概述     ""的本义是"量米粟的器具,是量米栗时刮平斗斛(hú)用的木板"。放在斗斛上刮平,不使过满。引申为一种衡量标准,现在有2个主要意思 1、某人的态度气势,如气概   2、包括,如概括一概概念大概   概述中的概指"大概=general,approximate",这些词都来自"包括include"的意思

        2) 练习一下         科技论文摘要abstract: a brief statement of the main points in a thesis or paper,论文的开头是abstract,之后是introduction,再往后是正文,最后是conclusion。abstract和precis的区别是: abstract是对自己文章的概述,而precis是对"他人"文章的概述。precis介绍分析的内容更多,长度更长通常是原文的1/4,而abstract往往不超过10句话,简短得多。

        3)概述的意思是简要叙述mean a brief treatment of a subject or topic.   treat表示处理对待治疗叙述论述,和deal、handle是一组同义词,区别是treat通常接context上下文,如本例的brief简要的。如treat the subject realistically in the essay对散文主题如实(论)